Get Ready to Winterize Your Car

If It Drives, We Can Fix It.

In Phoenix, it’s rare for temperatures to drop below freezing. However, that doesn’t mean that getting your car ready for winter shouldn’t be one of your priorities this season. Northern Arizona and mountainous areas get a few inches of snow every year, but car winterization isn’t exclusive to snowfall. Winterization is so much more than prepping your car for icy roads.
Harsh weather changes can severely impact your car’s performance, so it’s essential to remember tips and tricks to prepare your vehicle for cold fronts and fluctuating winds and temperatures. Committing to safer winter driving is better than unnecessarily risking your life after not taking the necessary precautions this season.

At Don’s Automotive Shop, we don’t want your holidays to be complicated. We’ve devised the following tips to winterize your car.

Get Ready to Winterize Your Car

Winterizing Tips

Aside from ensuring your car is in good working condition (we touched upon an end-of-the-year car checkup checklist and winter maintenance), you must be ready to drive in extreme weather. Though Phoenix isn’t exactly known for icy roads and heavy snowfalls, you can’t ever be too careful, especially when it comes to winter driving.

Here are some tips to make sure your car is ready this winter season:

Winter Tires

Winter tires are designed to drive in extreme weather. They are essential accessories that will keep you safe on the road. Their threading and material quality make them adapt to snowy, icy, wet, and muddy terrain to ensure you don’t skid and slide off the road. The colder weather can make all-season tires stiffer because their rubber compound isn’t malleable, but winter tires survive rapid and drastic drops in temperatures, keeping you safe while you drive.

Check Your Battery

If your car works with an old battery, consider swapping it for a new one. Checking for corrosion and other signs of damage before you hop on the road will save you from getting stranded during the winter. The cold weather also damages car battery power, so making sure it’s up and running is wise.

Change Your Windshield Wipers

Visibility is crucial, especially when your windshields run a higher risk of getting riddled with ice, snow, or rain. Winterize your car and replace your windshield wipers or at least make sure they’re still in good condition. You want to keep your eyes on the road, but being unable to see ahead is a huge obstacle.

Inspect Your Heating System

You never know when temperatures will drop low enough that you’ll have to turn on your heat. Make sure your heating system is working before you hit the road. You can also turn to other heating alternatives, like portable car heaters, if you need more time to fix the ones already installed in your vehicle.

Prioritize Your Brakes

We cannot emphasize the importance of working brakes enough. Check your brake pads for wear and fluid levels. In unpredictable road conditions, you never know when braking at the right time can save you from a tragic road accident. It might be wise to take your car in for brake replacement or repair if you suspect something might be wrong with your brake system.

Have an Emergency Kit

Unpredictable, wild weather and bad luck can ruin your day. A first aid kit is necessary all season, but having a winter emergency kit in your car can save you from big headaches.


The Arizona Department of Transportation advises anyone driving in winter conditions to have: Gloves, scarves, caps and extra socks, medications and pain relievers, a first-aid kit, a flashlight with extra batteries, an ice scraper, a small bag of sand (or kitty litter) for wheel traction, a small folding shovel for snow removal, a travel tool kit and battery cables, safety flares, plastic bags or containers for sanitation, healthy snacks and a road map in your car at all times for winter emergencies.
Ready for ADOT’s winter driving advice here.

Get Your Car Winter Ready!

Winterize your car and prepare it for severe weather at Don’s Automotive Shop. Book your winter-season car maintenance with us, or bring your vehicle in for diagnostics. Call (623) 920-0212 today and get in touch with us! Winterizing your car should be on everyone’s yearly checklist, but at Don’s Automotive Shop, we take care of all the heavy lifting.

Car Winter